Saturday, June 13, 2009

Dog Party

Gotta love it when you can commute to a dog show from home. You can come back to the house, hang out on the newly renovated porch, jam to some good tunes and watch the dogs play!

Yikes! of course only wanted to "schwim"

Jive worked very hard to keep his sheltie self from getting wet in the sprinkler ;)

DAMN! I think a drop or two must of hit him!

Got'cha! likes the sprinker best when its being turned off. THEN its a good time to attack it
This dog party thing... ummm... yea well like "whatever!"... I hate crowds... and loud music... and...

Banshee looking good but thinking  "do you KNOW there's a squirrel in the tree? HUH? Could SOMEBODY PLEASE get with the program here?"

Torch was actually caught on camera being a dog! GASP!

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